XXV Edition

6-7-8 June 2025

Affi - old town

Affi - old town

Affi - old town


Markets, exhibitions and unique shows in one of the most characteristic medieval villages of the Verona area.

In this setting the “palio delle contrade” will take place, a challenge to obtain the coveted trophy.

In these two days the town will be protected by brave knights and fearless archers. Musicians will play and sing for you non-stop. Flag-wavers and jugglers will put on a show in the squares and in the parades. On the streets you will meet tireless workers and artisans’ workshops: the carpenter, the weaver, the basket maker, the ceramist, the leather worker and the patient amanuensis, the goldsmith and the wise apothecary, the marble worker and the baker, the papermaker and the merchants of salt and relics.

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